I won't be able to drink to spread covid

Are you porter in the winter, cider in the summer?


is there a “posts that precede disastrous events” on this forum?

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It gives my insides a chance.

Although the jäger probably doesn’t help :sweat_smile:


You wouldn’t get 7 likes for a pint of cider.


Where’s that? Half looks like Bobby Byrne’s


Another good pub ruined by a rugby jersey…

Nice but a bit too much of a head.

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I wasn’t going to stir today at all but this thread is making me thirsty.

As in Larkin’s Cross?


Bloody Mary?

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I haven’t gone to a pub since covid hit. I think it’s highly irresponsible and selfish carry on to be sitting in public houses for hours

I don’t think you mentioned that before.


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You’re very tetchy.

I’m actually quite mellow but a bit fed up of you saying you haven’t been in a pub since yada yada yada.

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The very one, savage pint there

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Good for you mate. I think lads preaching to other lads how to live their lives should be shot with balls of their own shite. *

*or @Gary_Birtles_Lovechi’s 6 month shitbrew.

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Tetchy then