I won't be able to drink to spread covid

Nice looking pub. Horrible looking drink.
I’m confined to barracks :confused::confused::confused:

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Have you got the Covids?

No Guinness in the bord gas. Tis grand but not great

Lagunitas on draft. Wasn’t great.

The lucky duck. A press-up group spot but a really good one. I’ll be back.

Bucko has. I had it a few weeks ago. I’m waiting on the PCR results. We all had to go.


Where did you get that?

That’s way better now. Never mind the glass it’s real pint


Stamps in Enniscorthy

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I got a free pint of it in Limerick last week off a rep, it’s shocking. Looks like porter but just watered down. I’d say 6/7 of us at the table, none of us finished the pint. Complete piss.

Island’s Edge is awful. Watery and far too light. I can get a faint taste of coffee/chicory notes off it but it’s weak.

Heineken would be much better served putting a new lease of life into the two fine stouts they already produce in Beamish and Murphy’s. Something similar to how Bulmers rebooted themselves in the mid 90s.


Thanks, I’ll hit it when unshackled

Went for a few drinks in Adare last night. There seemed to be reps there giving out free pints of it, but never came near our table, despite all of us drinking Guinness.

That’s why they’re reps. They knew better.


Very easy to down which isn’t what you want in a stout. In fairness I’m not complaining too much as the bord gas have a system where you can order drinks for the interval. When I arrived I was gasping long drive up from limerick so I ordered 2 pints and a g&t for herself. The lady behind the bar asked did I want to order for ht and pay all together. 1 pint and 1 g&t for ht plus what I was getting pre show. Your man said come out at the interval and your drinks will be at number xxx. Grand job out at the interval there was 3 pints and 2 g&t. Double checked the numbers and receipt yes it was mine. They gave me what I ordered plus my original order. 3 pints and 2 g&ts.

For a finish I got 5 pints and 3 g&ts for €36. Who said dublin is a rip off


And drove home after. Fair fucks.



Pace wise, ye’re all over the place. Have ye ever drank together before?


They’re all @Massey pints

Can’t bate a Heineken with a flakey head like that

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Beamish, Murphy or Guinness. After that forget it