I won't be able to drink to spread covid

Pre Celtic tiger prices and service maybe

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That looks like a bar I’d ate porter in and make everyone uncomfortable at about 10pm

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Are you me?


I hope not for your sake

Average pint. The head is a bit thin. 6/10

That is an absolute picturebook perfect pour, thats what size the head is supposed to be

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It was mid settle

Was it you that shit your pants in Carlingford?

Is that how you plan to make people uncomfortable?

Wrong Esteban.

I’ve never been in Carlingford, much less shit myself in Carlingford.

That’s a bit of a strange one

Sorry, thought it was yourself.

Can’t remember who the poster was so!

A quick search yields @PhattPike as the culprit

Sincere apologies @estebandaface

It was that other Limerick deviant @PhattPike that was the pants shitter


I pissed myself and rolled a spanish one in to it so she’d take the blame

By God.

Not in carlingford

Fair play to Limerick city council, the tent will be a great job for the winter when it’s finished.


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Enjoy the gig pal.

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No gig. Did a triathlon in Dungarvan followed by the sweetest pints ever. Savage weather. Great craic.


Sky & the ground. Mine is Fischers.