I won't be able to drink to spread covid

Donā€™t mind that nonsense you hear




The whiskey is this lovely drop, long gone off the market.

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Top of johns street?

Exactly. On left hand corner at the very top. JB Burkeā€™s is across the road.

Grand spot. Am coming to think it has the best pint in town.

Would be one of the few pubs in Ireland still with some Jameson 12yo on.offer.

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Great pint in there. Also known as ollie bergins iirc. Usef to be an old kierans college teacher that used to serve in there. His name escapes me but heā€™s dead now

Have always gone in a bit over the years and especially since I started living in town, back in 2007. A quintessential no nonsense boozer.

There is a fairly high level hurling inquest about yesterday going on at the counter. Some perceptive comments. I love living in Kilkenny.


Heā€™s now your parish priest.
Or are we thinking of two different people?

Actually, I think you may be thinking of Jimmy Carew? Yes, lovely man. Sadly gone. Bunch of sons, all sound fellas.

One of my favourite memories from secondary school is scoring a goal as a sub in extra time for the soccer team in a cup game in Dublin. Our goalie told me after that Jimmy, our manager, celebrated on his knees with a cigarette hanging out his mouth.

Fr. Oā€™Gorman out your way is related to the owners.


Yes Jimmy Carew thats it

Jimmy was brilliant to me. Think I could have said this story before. Repeated my Leaving in SKC and signed up for the soccer team. We didnā€™t have a team in Callan but a few of us always played at Games and organised inter year matches.

Peter Barry played centre half and he was an unbelievable soccer player so I thought I hadnā€™t a chance. Peter was back repeating too but then he got a college place in Waterford and Jimmy put me in for the first game. I was all over the shop. Della played centre half that day as Dollars was injured and he minded me. Jimmy took me aside at the next training session and asked me how did I think it went. I was honest and said I felt lost, all the lads were way better than me (and they were) and how could I replace Peter. But he told me to not think like that, he said when he played he was a stopper and thatā€™s what he wanted me to do, stop the centre forward. I needed to get fitter but to relax, I would play as long as we were in the competition and he had faith in me.

We won the Leinster Senior Cup, first team outside the Pale to do it. Jimmys son Graham played, great player, only 16. His younger brother was even better. The best of days.


I have a bottle of that I got as a gift years ago. Am I hoarding a rare treasure?

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So what position did you play?
Iā€™m confusedā€¦.

Iā€™ll be over your way after the dinner. Weā€™ll have a sneaky one. Lovely.:tumbler_glass:


Centre Half. We played 4-3-3. Two full backs, sweeper and stopper. Holding midfielder, two attacking, two wingers and a centre forward. This was 30 years ago, ahead of his time.

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ā€˜Tis a wonder the FAI havenā€™t been on to you to replace the hapless Spock.
Such visionary tactical nous 30 years ago has, until now, gone unnoticedā€¦

Spock Out, Out, Outā€¦ā€¦ā€¦

Locke, Locke, Locke etcā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦

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Not really. But it is tremendous whiskey ā€“ echt pot still style.

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Kind of Blue.


A lovely combination. Youā€™ve put a longing on meā€¦ā€¦.

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Kind of Gold.

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