I won't be able to drink to spread covid

Great charity shop find. Novel I wanted to read for ages.

Pint not bad either.


@Ambrose_McNulty will fill his togs at this post

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There is nothing like a great pub.

A highly informed conversation about Jah Wobble going on at the counter.

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3 horrible pints. Smyths Ranelagh. Not good.

Head ratio looks off…

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Burchills your best bet in Ranelagh

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Brings a new meaning to the bishop’s collar. At 6.40 a pop it would stick in the craw a little.

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Yeah would be the go to. Jammers though and smelled of farts.

Jaysus… True for you.

The pint of Beamish in Downes’ is 4.50.

Guinness in the Woodman is 4.50

Mugged off. Birchall’s is the pub of Michael McDowell and should be good enough for any forumite.

Not familiar with there at all but an interesting price, right enough, even for people not overly bothered about the price of a good pint, such as yourself, I would hazard, and myself.

A friend visited two establishments in Limerick yesterday evening. Next door to each other, similar style and clientele. 5.20 v 5.50 for a pint of Guinness.

Tis past the €5 anywhere I’ve been in Limerick lately. €5.20 about the norm. I was talking to a bar owner lately and he was saying the big increase from Heiniken has fucked them because even the Beamish is €4.50 now and that was keeping the bar flys going when it was cheap. He is city centre and said trade is flying, waiting for a slow down but no sign yet.
But he said costs are out of control and anyone who doesn’t own their bar will be to the pin of the collar to keep going.
He reckoned if you were selling Guinness below a €5 there’d be no margin left

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Guinness is LOW margin at the best of times.



Where are you shtuck?