I won't be able to drink to spread covid

Was in Doyles maybe a year ago. Wouldn’t be in any hurry back.

They used to have a late bar downstairs where they played indie stuff. It was great but that’s long gone.

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Kehoe’s snug.

Christ you are doing well to get into the snugs

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Dry January opens up a lot of free space.

@Malarkey was always a great man to get a seat in a snug.


It was always grubby


Roll on Christmas :heart_eyes:

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Ah the joys of a day off

Two new tables i see. Inspired by @glenshane i suppose?

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Happy Friday cunts


Where’s the window gone :hushed:

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Changed around the tv. Got rid of the corner sofa for a 3 piece and herself decided to move things around

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A well deserved drink so

A well deserved pint today. I couldn’t even wait to take the photo when it was full.


Looks like NAP clubhouse

Do you frequent it often?