I won't be able to drink to spread covid

Looks lovely. How much did it cost as a matter of interest @Fitzy?


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I had a few pints of Guinness in Malaga recently. All the Irish bars have it on tap now. It’s about €5.50 and a solid 5/10.

There’s something different about it though. Not as creamy or something. Not very bitter either so very drinkable.

I had a pint of it in Belamedina recently to try it.

Owners of the bar had one in Ireland as well and the lager was top notch so I suspected they knew what they were at.

They made the best of it but it was poor. Apparently they had to source it from South Africa which isn’t good.

I bought a custom embroidered cap in Benalmádena.

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Will you bring home one of those glasses for me please?

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Did you get the bus from Amsterdam to Budapest.

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I thumbed.

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@Fagan_ODowd when I grow up I want to be the bus driver

The nice little snug at back of Tully’s, Waterford.

Pint of Rye River Yuzu Citrus Gose.


Thomas Maher’s.

Never fails.


House talk about gambling and horses… Four of the five male customers drinking a large bottle of Guinness.

Lad (about 50, crop haired, gym-ed) in window seat: “I was a very good jockey, as a young fella, but I never backed a horse in my life. Could have got a job with Vincent O’Brien, but I wouldn’t cut my hair.”

Other customer: “How do you mean…?”

Lad, 50: “I was 15, an apprentice jockey, and I had long hair, and I wouldn’t get it off.”

His girlfriend (of certain age): “I could be going out with a rich man!”

Lad: “What do you mean! Sure, I’d never have met you!”

Girlfriend: “But we might have met anyway!”

Lad: "Would we fuck! Sure, I’d be above in Fairyland –

Other customer: “Fairyhouse.”

Lad: " – Fairyhouse. But, no, not a chance of us meeting. I’d have left Waterford for good."

Girlfriend: “You can get a train to Kildare.”

Lad: “You could, if you knew me. But you wouldn’t. Anyway, when I was 15, you were five.”

Customer: “Would you regret not getting the hair cut?”

Lad: “I do in me fuck…I’m still a great rider!”

Guffaws in the gleams.

Lad: “But I’m here with my lady, and I’m talking about four legged animals.”


Did you chance a large bottle yourself?

One of life’s great pleasures, pub chat


Did you chance a large bottle yourself?

No, on the Beamish, as usual.

I am enjoying my Wednesdays in Waterford.


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A half bottle is a Bryson, a full bottle is a Rory.


@gaillimhmick :grinning::grinning: