Identify the film from the quote

Fuck yeah

Don’t you puke on my shoes Harry

You don’t understand. I can’t walk… they’ve tied my shoelaces together.

A knot. Bastards.

Womack! Why am I not surprised you piece of shit

O that’d be The Rock.

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I’m just a bad writer who drinks too much and falls in love with girls

Enough about yourself put up the quote

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Yeah, horses’re fascinating animals. Dumb as fenceposts but very intuitive. In that way they’re not too different from high school girls: they may not have a brain in their head but they do know all the boys want to fuck 'em.

‘Jesus of Nazareth’?

There’s trouble in Russia

Grave danger?

Is there another kind?

Smokey my friend, you are entering a world of pain

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the big lebowski walter GIF

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Tell Mike it was only business

He knows

can you get me off the hook, for old time’s sake?

Cheek of the cunt after what he’d done

Hot Shots Part Deux

Why don’t they make films like that anymore? 90 minutes of nonsense. Very enjoyable


Very big in Sheboygan. They loved it, you know?

The Polka King himself

home alone christmas movies GIF