If you're getting pissed

game of ball at half 7 sunday so very few refreshments for my good self over the course of the weekend.

Get pissed today, get pissed tomorrow, use the GGA game on Sunday evening to accelerate the sweating of the alcohol out of the system process.

would like to do that bando, but its against the old enemy gusserane, would much prefer to hammer them and then go on the lash

Just finished work in the Baggot Street area, can anyone suggest a pub where one can enjoy several drinks safe in the knowledge that they won’t be seeing any freaks in navy-blue corduroy shorts?

I’m wearing short shorts, Mullach.


Hammered last night and heading out there now for a straightener. Dying dog I am

I am absolutely destroyed.

That is all.

Me thinks the cure is all that will save me now.

In other news Clarkey now has an American girlfriend.

Well done mate.

Ah well done Clarkey. She’s an awful annyoing dickhead but well played nonetheless.

I’ve some fucking head on me today.

Ah that’s brilliant news. Things were in the balance when I left last night so it’s wonderful to read this. Well done, housemate.

Anything to report Bandage?

Is Clarkey there?

Melody - what a fuckin name!!

Kissing but no riding for clarkey. He was not impressed and rightly so.

Hammered last night above in Galway. shaking and sweating like a shitting dog all day.
There is a noble pint in caseys sixmilebridge also.

Is the pub with the ducks in Sixmilebridge?

Think I told her about the forum so hopefully she joins. It’ll be nice to have another girl’s irrelevant opinions on things.


Is casey’s the fairly big pub across from it?


Is the bridge really six miles long?
