Interesting Things Thread

The mantra of all top athletes. Funny as people would think the opposite.

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Three excellent books here for anybody with an interest in the topic


And pump yourself with as much epo as you can get away with


Few lads here would make serious athletes so


My life’s motto

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Suspicion always haunts the guilty Limerick mind.

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Balbec is an Eastern European, Limerick hurling and tour de France fanatic. The man knows his performance enhancing drugs

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Best places to be born statistically. Includes Limerick of course.

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You’ll have to explain that…

If London is in there, they’ve clearly got it arseways.

I’d have question marks about Switzerland myself. By God you could live there, but you’d want some job.


Like Dublin these days, apart from the live there bit.

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Clarence von Rosen was the first chairman of the Swedish FA. In his honour, the champions of Sweden between the years 1904 and 2000 were awarded the Von Rosen Pokal (English: von Rosen’s cup). However, in 2000, after the rediscovery that Von Rosen’s wife’s sister had married the later infamous Nazi leader Hermann Göring during his years in Sweden, the trophy was replaced by the Lennart Johansson Pokal.

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The oldest door in the world is still in use. The “Beautiful Door” at the south exit of the inner narthex of the Hagia Sophia in İstanbul is believed to date to the second century BC. It was salvaged from a Hellenistic Greek temple in the city of Tarsos.

The world’s second oldest set of doors are also still in use in Rome. Cast in bronze for Emperor Hadrian’s rebuilding project, they date from about 115 AD. Each door is solid bronze seven and a half feet wide & twenty-five feet high, yet so well balanced they can be pushed or pulled open easily by one person.


Istanbul is well worth a visit

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He was called Constantinople back then.

What time of year mate, bearing in mind I’m a Mick, so I don’t go well in heat or crowds in my supermacs tracksuit?

I was there a few times both work and social. May and September usually nice.