Interesting Things Thread

Ever since you claimed kevin walsh as a parishioner i don’t know what to think

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It’s mad the whole thing.

The scuttering around we do today is utterly pointless really.

She was probably a big noise back in the day but in the grand scheme of things she isn’t even a speck in history.

It’s a total waste of time.

A bit of Saturday lunchtime nihilism

Classic tfk :+1:

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What am I supposed to be seeing there?

Those gay wristbands Fannie’s wore when we were younger men

Could we use 9/11 instead of moon landings?

Apple tax case: iPhone maker and Irish Government suffer major setback in €13bn EU case

This is interesting and, well, who’d a ever think an Irish govt would be desperately trying to avoid taking 13 billion in tax (or a share thereof)

We won’t get the €13bn. We’d be entitled to sweet fuck all of it as it was generated all over Europe. It would be an absolute nightmare to try and figure out who was owed what at the end of it as well.

You know yourself, the Irish government has to be seen to defend its tax policies, or the multi nationals could be put off investing here

SF IRA will be in power when this gets decided.

Not only that they’d come looking for a cut of our other corporate tax take.

Still though, great headlines for the shinner bots. Why don’t they take the €13bn and build houses with it etc.

@mikehunt get in here and tell us how we should cut off our nose to spite our face.

The cap doffers are circling their bowler hats.

Lads who want to ate the goose and will cry when there are no more golden eggs.

They just don’t get it. Imagine expecting multi billion profit making companies to pay a bit of tax. It’s outrageous. Do you what will happen? They’ll up sticks and head to ahem… I’ll come back to you on that.

It’s still an interesting piece of legal chicanery, and anyone who grew up in 80’s Ireland, magic though it was, would scarce believe it.

Its amazing the short sightedness of @mikehunt, but this is a fella who lauds the likes of that prick from Wexford and his cohorts.

He had his tax issues too but unlike Apple he repaid the country in kind with the sterling work uncovering and highlighting establishment corruption.

Mmmmmmmmmmmm soup. Or should I say the vinyard he gave to his brother rather than pay the Irish tax payer and his creditors what they were owed.

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