Interesting Things Thread

Thanks fagan. It’s an interesting and sad in most ways tale, the rise and fall of the Catholic church in Ireland.

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Good thread


Didn’t age well


I love reading about guitars. I knew this already, but it’s a way. The greatest guitar of all time was a broken second hand gretsch hand me down.


Mark Knopfler has a sale of guitars in Christies soon I think. Some are pretty reasonable at reserve (low 4 figures) but that may change once bidding opens. But as a long term investment there has been serious appreciation in price of vintage instruments.

David Gilmour’s Black Strat sold for 4 million at auction back a few years ago

Among his many Pensa-Suhr guitars, Knopfler has a blue custom model that I’d give my right ball for. A beautiful creation.


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Knopflers sale is done. Guess who by a million miles owned the top two selling guitars of all time without googling.

Jimmy Page?

Kim Thayil tells a story of when Soundgarden came off tour all their gear was dropped into a lock up somewhere. Wanting to pick up some of his guitars he followed the truck and when they were unloaded he realised he couldn’t tell which was his or which were belonging to Chris. So he toddled off and said he’s come back in a week or two and let Chris figure which was which.

He came back anyway and all the guitars were gone. What the fuck happened he asked me man working in the warehouse.

Oh Chris was in yesterday and couldn’t figure out which was his so he took them all.

I heard this before so I won’t jump in but safe to say he doesn’t own them anymore

I was always fascinated by this


Do you play the guitar flatty?

I googled and would never have guessed the answer…

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No, nowhere hear, nor Hendrix

I do, badly, I love them though. I have a few. I mostly play a Patrick James Eggle cream T bangers and mash now.
I dont really like Stratocasters and I don’t like whammy bars mainly because I’m not good enough to use them.
Guitars are like hurls, they are works of art when made well. They don’t need to be that expensive anymore.
If I could own one guitar ever, it would be Malcolm Young’s Gretsch. It is absolutely iconic. I wouldn’t play it though, it’d be on the wall in a case.
The other bit of rock memorabilia I would love is this, which is apparently on the wall in a record studio down in London somewhere

That, and something signed by Ian Curtis


Are electric guitars not just planks of wood with electrical coils?

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Isn’t the roof of the Sistine chapel only plaster with a bit of colouring in?


So @Bandage says, and thats good enough for me