Ireland politics (Part 1)

The poison portfolio claims another victim. Here’s one for you, considering the relatively high profile nature of the job (it’s probably in the biggest portfolio after Taoiseach & Finance), only Brian Cowen has gone on from health to the Taoiseach role in recent memory. Before him it was Haughey, before that there are only technicalities. Dev & John A Costello were both briefly “acting ministers for health” and Sean T O’Kelly went on to be president, but only two people in the history of the state who were proper health ministers, Cowen & Haughey have gone to be Taoiseach.
That’s based on a very quick google of previous health ministers so I may be off.
But it doesn’t bode well for Michael Martin.

I got carried away looking at this then. Flat out on a Friday as usual.

So what’s a good cabinet ministry to hold to become Taoiseach?
It’s very hard to compare because very few ministries have run since the foundation of the state without being added onto to another one or abolished altogether, or made up at some stage.
There have been 13 Taoisigh in the history of the state.
3 Taoisigh never held a proper ministry beforehand, Cosgrave because he was first, Dev because he was FF’s first & John A Costello who was dropped in as a compromise candidate from outside the parties front bench.
So that leaves 10 careers to cover.
I can only really do it for Ministries that were present in some shape or form on a continuous enough basis.
6 had previously served in Finance (makes sense)
6 in Foreign Affairs
5 in Jobs, Enterprise & innovation (or some derivative there of).
3 as Tanaiste
2 in Health
2 in Education
2 in Transport
1 in Justice
1 in Agriculture
1 in Social Welfare
0 in Minsters for Fisheries/Forestry (or some derivative there of).
0 Ministers for Local Government (or some derivative there of).
The real outlier is a position that no longer exists, Minister for Energy, which had between 1980 to 1997 3 Taoisigh hold the role.

It’s a fairly small sample size, but it would seem that Finance, Foreign Affairs & Jobs are the best positions & while Health isn’t the most poisoned chalice, it’s reputation as a career wrecker is justified. I’d say Justice is the worst because, it’s the highest profile with the least holders, it’s also the only position that has had an office holder assassinated (two if you count Collins in the precursor role of Home Affairs).


Health and Harris are a match made in heaven. That puppy like enthusiasm needed clipping. His main asset is the speed at which he talks. It is impossible to keep up so it’s hard to pin the fucker down. Surprised Kenny put him in there, I thought he liked him. He was Kenny’s go to man when he sent someone out to bat on the latest controversy. Proves how much of a clown Kenny is, put’s Leo in to punish him and then rewards Harris’ loyalty with the same job.

I see another advisor to Mary Mitchell O’ Connor has bolted, same fella was able to put up with Alan Kelly but not this one.

On another note the head of Irish Water defended spend on consultants at the PAC yesterday. He said the money was well spent because the consultants hired were “experts”. He didn’t say what they were expert at but it sure wasn’t the set up and running of a public utility.

It was a huge promotion for Harris given his relative inexperience though, so it was a reward in that sense, but ya how the fuck could you make a fist of that job.

If you look at the English newspapers they have the same issues with health, trolley crisis, massive waiting times in A&E etc. It’s not just an Irish issue. I would assume that the ageing populations across the developed world are causing the same issues in many countries.

Need some strategy to manage admission to hospital (only way seems through A & E) and access to health services where no need to be at A and E. on other side need a joined up plan with social and community care when people leave hospital.

People are too busy, both partners working to care for elderly relations anymore. In old days natural love and affection plugged a lot of holes.

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That is true. The Japs are in big trouble with an ageing population.

Supply & demand problems in an industry sector that is slow to respond.

If you owned a nursing home in this country and could staff in with Filipinos you’d be laughing.

It’s extraordinary that nobody has thought of that yet.


I think they have but you could never have enough.

Reilly had that idea so he started investing in Retirment homes, started losing and stopped paying then he becomes Min of Health in control of policy around that area… Great country.

Back in the news again.

Poor auld James Heffernan can’t catch a break these days @Smark

I think there should probably be some sort of euthanasia when you start to become too much of a burden on the state. If you are over 80, have more than 4 visits to a&e in a year, then bye bye. Something like that wouldn’t be long sorting out the trolley crisis.

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that would get the auld grey vote .

Look it would probably be a bit controversial and I’m sure you’ll have people complaining if their mam/dad/granny gets put down but I think once the benefits of the system are seen people will start to come on board.

Old people here generally have it great. Defined benefit pensions. Laughing.

It is scary first time you go to US and a lad in his seventies is working in McDonald’s or delivering pizza

A typical Walmart store in Florida is be staffed by blue rinse brigade

The American Dream. Our 70 years olds are layabouts. The snow-hair generation.


There’s politicians taking the piss and there’s this:

And in typical Eire fashion he’ll top the poll as no Muldoon wants to offend anyone in a wheelchair by holding him to account. :grinning:


Why hasn’t he voted since 2014? Are the machines not wheelchair accessible?