Ireland politics (Part 1)

Enda will be lucky to get a minute with Trump. He doesn’t give a fuck about US/Irish relations.

When is Boxer Moran taking over from Halligan?

Will he drop the “Boxer” part when he off representing the country?

Its not all about Enda, nor Trump.

It’s usually all about Niall O’Dowd.

Fagan knows the score. Nonetheless, its all about what goes on behind the aul bowl of sham. Leave Enda off to have the chats with Donald, and let the rest of the lads have the crack behind the scenes.

Yeah it’s more about the people at the balls, trade summits that Enda and his entourage can try and entice to set up a service, order a product or back a project.

It would be worse not to turn up. The brave thing to so it to turn up and make a statement about immigration in the background.

You’ll have the like of RBB and Paul Murphy going off on one regardless though.

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I see 20,000 people have signed an auld petition to stop Enda going across. You couldn’t make it up.



Throw up a link there, pal. I’d say the comments are a hoot.

Finally something I agree with Enda on.

I’d rather not link to it in case some of the weaker minded ones actually sign the thing, but here’s a few screenshots. It seems to have been set up by the founder of SpunOut,

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Thanks for alerting me to it, mate.



Enda is only going as he sees it as an annual holiday junket that affords status. Politics or business never came into it.


He loves getting patted on the head by his betters.

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Eamon Ryan is coming up on Newstalk to explain why our fuhrer should stay at home Paddy’s day

Does he realise that if they don’t go then they may lose the spot forever? Plenty other countries out there would gladly take that spot.

Also it’s not like it is going to influence Trump. I can’t see him saying “oh fuck the Irish are pissed at I better recind that order or they won’t come bearing thein gift of shamrock”. :grin:


Wait did the protests at Shannon not end rendition flights and the US interference in the Gulf States?

I don’t know what to believe anymore.

I knew if we hung around long enough that we’d agree on something pal, but twice in two days. Its a modern day miracle.

Stephen Donnelly, formerly of the Social Democrats, is joining Fianna Fail.