Ireland politics (Part 1)

Fitzgerald will be lucky to survive this week. If Zappone comes out and says that she told Fitzgerald then the government are gone.

Who was feeding Williams his stories so?

Having said all that, Zappone is due ton make a statement at 4.30. Depending on what she says it could ado another couple of gallons of petrol to it

I hope she spits bullets and brings them all down.

Like like noirin is going under the 46a


Her political life is on the line. She better have some bombs to drop

Where’s Enda?

Announcing a few jobs somewhere. Hope he has his cv in the pocket



Bottle Bank opening in Bohola.

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Zappone is on the Plinth about to give her statement. :slight_smile:

None of the radio stations broadcasting it. What a country

Like a rabbit caught in the headlights.

Unreal poxy public housing on RTE and Family members in Prison and the effect it has on the kids on newstalk. Load of Bollox

And the Cooper cunt doing a piece on the Late Late from last Friday. Ffs

She threw Enda and Fitzgerald under the bus

TFK is my primary source of information and news today.

Has anybody been fired or resigned or arrested?


Is Martin meeting with the McCabes this afternoon?

The Government is going to fall over this.

Zappone isn’t going to be used as a sacrificial lamb.