Ireland politics (Part 1)

There’s no need for them to say anything. Half of them want rid of O’Sullivan anyway

Apparently 10 whistleblowers, 10 CFA files

Hold up…ten whistle blowers linked to false accusations of sex abuse?

Is that true Art or are you on the wind up ?

Sorry wrong number. it’s 6

There’s already one very similar case to Maurice McCabe’s in the public domain, which Mick Clifford detailed in the Examiner today.

Expect more.

I was aware of the other case, I read the details of it today. If there’s multiples of more whistle blowers all subject to Tulsa/cfa allegations it’s time to call in the eu or shoot the commissioner or something drastic like that.

When you say similar, and 6 in total, in what way were they smeared?

What it does do if nothing else is it strengthens MCABES argument for a public inquiry and not the commission as has been proposed.

McCabe is draining the swamp.

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More like setting fire to a snakepit

Kenny is some chump. Soft interview yesterday and he still made a mess of it. His handlers must pull their hair out.

Is Vincent browne on tonight? I wonder what poor fucker from FG would be sent onto that show.

They’ll probably send out Halligan an to bat. Meanwhile Leo and Simon will be preparing their leadership campaigns

All the head honchos will be busy, someone like Jerry Buttimer will be wheeled out.

Where’s Paul Reynolds gone? If there was a gangland murder it would be interesting to see if he was wheeled out.

Some fucking government. Not one of them knows what’s going on. Apparently.

Zappone looked rattled to within an inch of her life there. I’d say she’s sorry she ever left the world of lesbian theology.


Could all this blow over? FF and FG agree on a public enquiry, this enquiry to be set up immediately and we all move on?..or is a ‘head’ require to move on?

Blow over? I’d say we will still be talking about it in 30 years time.