Ireland politics (Part 1)

He would be in jail now

Mick Clifford said that the other night on Vincent Browne

Old news

Sweep sweep

Who is tusla

Your notification of such is old news.

You’re the one that brought it up. Taoiseach good as gone but no closer to finding out who had the Tusla referral brought up. Still though, you’re doing massive work against the Republican Party from your base in your parents attic, carry on

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@tazdedub did, actually.

Carry on by all means with such sparkling original wit. :relaxed:

We could go round and round, but your enduring disdain for anyone that works for a living, or contributes anywhere in real life; does defeat the purpose somewhat. Will I wear an FF jersey to make it feel like you’re fighting a real battle?
Stick to Tuborg, fags and telling everyone how the real world works lad.



I already get it, pal. You don’t do wit and you see the world entirely through binary cliches.

No need to keep proving the point to everybody.

It’s very hard to know if you might be volunteering an opinion of your own for the first time ever. For all I disagree with @Sidney, he at least puts it out there.


Expose me to the cutting edge of your razor wit sometime, it must truly be something to behold.

Paschal Donohoe has rules himself out of the forthcoming Fine Gael leadership contest on Morning Ireland this morning.

Thats FG fucked so, Paschal was their only hope.

@tallback what are the rules of a FG leadership election? Will it be a straight run off and whoever gets most votes wins? Or is there a certain % a candidate must reach? Also is it just the parliamentary party that vote on this?

Carry on there lads essentially

Yeah, the pretend IRA lads on here go mental when they realise that 15% (made up the unemployed wasters/Council estate scum of Irish society) is about as good as it gets for Sinn Fein/ira, normal decent people will never vote for them thank God

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Not sure to be honest. I think it’s a straight run-off and I’m pretty sure it’s just the parliamentary party - that’s certainly how I remember 2011 anyway.

Big question now is whether Kenny will go quietly or insist on being taken out. FF seem quite happy that a transition in leader doesn’t mean a General Election and an orderly transition would ease that I’d say,

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How’s the hangover today, pal?