Ireland politics (Part 1)

2010 was a confidence motion, which would be parliamentary party only. Leadership contest is some kind of electoral college of parliamentary party, councillors and members as far as I know. The media seems to be talking about 8 weeks anyway.

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10% councillors, 25% members - or possibly the other way around.

Torture. The oul fella has me putting up scaffolding on the brother’s site. I’d forgotten how stone useless I can be, but he’s good enough to remind me at regular intervals :rollseyes:


Alan Farrell TD has issued a statement calling for Enda Kenny to resign.

I think it was Gene Kerrigan who had a column last year ridiculing Kenny’s tendency to make up conversations. Can’t recall many specifics but the “phone call” from a constituent who couldn’t believe how good his pay packet looked after the Budget was one of 4 or 5 examples.

This is actually what’s bringing him down now too. Not the scandalous behaviour of the Gardai or Tusla or the generally shocking nature of the smear campaign, but his made up conversation with Zappone. Francis Fitzgerald can dig in and argue the specifics of what she discussed with Jim O’Callaghan but Enda’s literally invented a conversation and this weird habit will be the end of him.


Does Enda suffer from schizophrenia?

@Fagan_ODowd, you old devil.



There was a list of them in the paper yesterday. The man with two pints in his hands who said they cost more than his water charges was one

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That’s exactly the way this fool should go out.

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Don’t forget the one where the army was going to be deployed to protect the banks. :slight_smile:

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"But we are very anxious to see that the benefits of a rising economy are spread throughout the country and people can see that in their daily lives, but also in their cheques which is very important when the payment comes.
It was great to see, last week, some people contacting us and saying ‘Well I’m not sure whether it was a mistake or not, but I seem to have got extra money in this last payment’. We want to continue that. "


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Would Alan Farrell be one of Leo’s boys?

Here you go @Bandage

  1. Michael Collins and the National Loan
    In 2012 he said Michael Collins “brought [Vladimir] Lenin himself to Ireland to see how the National Loan worked”. This didn’t happen, with the gaffe explained as an error in his script.

  2. The grateful woman with money post-Budget
    In January 2015, Mr Kenny claimed grateful workers had been in touch, amazed at the extra cash in their pockets after the Budget. A spokesperson said the remarks had been a “turn of phrase”.

  3. The man with two pints
    The following month Mr Kenny told the Dáil he had met a man with “two pints” and told him he could pay his water charges for weeks at the cost of the drinks. On April 1, 2015, he told the story again, this time saying he met the man the previous week.

  4. The Army and the banks
    In October 2015, Mr Kenny told a conference how the Central Bank governor warned him in 2011 the Army would have to provide security for the banks if they ran out of cash. He later said he hadn’t been briefed on the issue, with a spokesman saying it was discussed by a taskforce, including the Central Bank, in 2012.

  5. The conversation that never happened
    This week, Mr Kenny said “mea culpa” after he admitted a conversation he told RTÉ Radio he had about the whistleblower controversy with Katherine Zappone didn’t take place.


Careful now…:heart_eyes:

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The Lenin one is unraleable

He is some man for the stories is our Enda.

A fertile imagination .

RTE should give him a job when he is finished “A story at bedtime with Enda Kenny”

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That “mea culpa” clip of him from the Dail is hilarious. Very Alan partridge like.