Ireland politics (Part 1)

I’m just pointing out that your views are completely uninformed.

Read it again numbnuts.

I am debating the point.

The reason LPT is higher in Dublin is because Dublin shithole houses are artificially worth more. Do you want me to make it any clearer for you?


This is why there is a government plan to rebalance the economy away from Dublin.

Also, trumpeting that supply will correct the housing market shows how ignorant you are. Housing does not behave like a normal market in terms of supply/demand. Anyone with that bothered to inform themselves to a basic level would know this.

I did.

It’s classic bullshit.

“Proper managing of the economy”.

The only way they could fund the public sector premium over the private sector going from 7.7% to 23.5% in 3 years in the mid 2000s was from construction based taxes. Basically, the bubble paid for gross public sector wage growth for a decade.

Of the circa 140 bn billion borrowed, 80 bn was for day to day spending i.e. Social welfare and public sector pay. Bailing out the banks yes gave money back to investors, but it did also ensure that the lights stayed on and people kept their savings. We will see quite a bit of the 60 billion given to the banks eventually.


What is “wrong” about it?

Supply goes through the floor and a few years later with demographics going the other way, prices go up.

Who would have through it?!

Take your pick.

“The only way they could do x is by blah blah blah” I turn off when I read such stupid statements.

No, deal with the points.

We need to build more free houses for the long term unemployed

Because you don’t actually like dealing with facts. You’re a person who consistently jumps into debates, gives some half baked defence and then runs off with their fingers in their ears.

If you’re even half as smart you like to think you are you’ll know I’m not bothered to engage with a comment like that.

No, they’re rubbish. I don’t have the inclination or the time to be reading your reams of shite, let alone replying to it.

Ah right. You have aspiration to be a dictator whilst you are a dick taker.


I’m glad you think so cos u haven’t a clue.

Weak. Debate the points.

Except you always do, then when caught out, you run away.

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Don’t mistake my not engaging with you for running away. @tallback for example is someone who often has a different outlook to me who is worth debating with. I think you’re just annoying and thick.

“Debate the points”, “pay attention to me”, “waa waa waa”. Run along.

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Again though, you do, all the time. But then run away.