Ireland politics (Part 1)

Really? It is hard to tell with the scales and the fact that they donā€™t reveal what nurses get for agency or night shifts.

Regardless, if you move them to those more comfortable roles, you suck them out of doing ward work. It appears to me to be very much a way for nurses who have ā€œserved their timeā€ to get off the wards. I know my aunt was a midwife part time and was constantly being asked to go into one of those roles but didnā€™t want to. Anytime Iā€™ve been in an Irish public hospital itā€™s pretty evident of the profile of people on wards.

Donā€™t get me wrong, nursing is a tough job and you see them being very busy, but i imagine there is plenty of things they could do to staff them better with Union help.

My missus is a theatre nurse in her mid thirties and would rather be in the theatre in scrubs than doing an administrative role as CNM. She has said the reward isnā€™t worth it. There are 3 different levels of CNM so depending on which level youā€™re at the pay is not much different.

Take my hat off to her and all at the coal face of nursing,had an uncle long term in Oliverā€™s,at Finbarrs hospital,they all( cleaners/porters/ nurses)went overboard in a caring way with him and all in there, nursing is the most demanding job I know of,brother died in Marymount hospice and wow they made it so he did it with dignity

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Iā€™ve spent a lot of time as a patient and visitor in hospitals in the last few years. Iā€™ve come to the conclusion that nurses are the same as most other professions. Some of them are absolutely brilliant and fulfil the Florence Nightingale stereotype being pushed by the media. Then some of them are useless and lazy and do not give a fuck.


Yep. Some go above and beyond, some donā€™t. Depends like everything else. Some of the stuff youā€™d see on wards. :no_mouth:

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Why are the Filipino nurses cheaper? Are they not more likely to be agency nurses and hence more expensive?

With what they have to put up with and they work they do nurses are close to sacrosanct in my opinion. Sure, keep more in wards as like every irish public job theres a rush to admin. But the good they do outstrips all other professions, equalled only by ambulance drivers.

Start now and phase out the army over a decade, no new recruits, keep 2k or so to fulfil peacekeeping, maintain a navy etc. The rest to pasture. Put the money into retaining health professionals. Should have a return of service or them too, if they train for free in irish universities they owe the state 3 years of work or a cash sum.

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Expensive as in for wages, but when you take into account the benefits a lot cheaper Iā€™d imagine

Thatā€™s great for society Iā€™d say.

Ah sure you know yourself. Public servant pensions are obscene and since no government will ever go near fixing it the only way around it is to phase them out by contracts. The unions should stop it but they are too busy quaffing champagne inside the gold plated castle with the ladder pulled up behind them


Privatise the lot of them, the markets will drive efficiency then.

Retrain the soldiers as nurses, some of them will be more suited to it anyway

Sarky, defensive response.

Not always the answer. Unfortunately health care is a labour intensive area. What they should be doing is having a cull on the paper pushers and inceeasinf frontline staff.

The reasons the nurses are looking for wage increases is because of the conditions they are working in are shite and they are under staffed or not staffed correctly. If the government actually increased the nurses, improved conditions, it would take the ammunition away from the nurses and we wpuld benefit from having a decent properly staffed health service

Good idea - it worked for the banks.

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The majority of senior consultants in public hospitals are paid around 100k more than the Chief Executive. To me that is one of the biggest anomalies in the whole system. They are effectively a law onto themselves.

That and the fact that the HSE is so unfit for purpose as the overseer of the whole thing.


The HSE is the biggest problem.

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Without a doubt,but if they got rid of it ,theyā€™d replace it with much the same.

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Jaysus you just canā€™t beat the Irish. The Apathy Movement outside the Dail