Ireland politics (Part 1)

Couldn’t even make the first step to making the country better.


It’s “restoration” when non-TDs get an increase.

I stepped up in 09 and I’ll do so again when required

That’s actually unreal :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:. Fox news cnn levels of bias.

They’re not even trying to hide it, it’s shameless.

Minister Donnelly said on Claire Byrne last night talks with unions were ongoing in relation to the schools re-opening.
He tweeted at midnight then to say the talks had concluded yesterday afternoon. Are they really wasting millions on pr and spin or is that a CoD too?

Uber Cork cunt MaGrath getting an easy ride on Radio 1 now about pay increase

It wouldn’t be RTE unless it was a soft interview with a FFG politician.

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I hope the magic money trees don’t catch Dutch Elm disease

How far removed from the public are these fucking cunts to push that through at the moment.


thats what they tell twitter anyhow

Well technically it is not them giving the payrise it is part of an overall agreement on pay restoration. By right politicians pay should not be linked to public services pay agreements. They should be dealt with separately.

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Public service workers? How much longer do you think they should wait for pay restoration? Wages were cut with emergency legislation due to the crisis, that was agreed to on the premise it would be unwound when the crisis was over. The crisis is now long long over.

Restored to levels they never should have been at in the first place and were only that high due to vote buying from Fianna Fail after the benchmarking process did not recommend increases of the size we saw Why should they be getting pay increases at a time when there’s 400k people out of work in Ireland and thousands of businesses facing ruin.


Public servants? Because their pay was cut substantially over a decade ago and they increased productivity and efficiency in a number of other ways to save even more money, on the agreement that pay restoration would happen once the crisis was over. Cost of living has since increased over the course of a decade.

Another relevant point is that it’s been widely acknowledged for a long time that the crisis was over, and consequently that the legislation cutting wages was no longer constitutional. The unions, and public service workers could have pursued restoration through the courts five years ago. That they didn’t is admirable and constructive, in my view.

I find it interesting that would seemingly begrudge the restoration.

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Public sector employees are under paid at the higher level and at the lower level - it’s the ones in the middle that’s the problem.

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They literally don’t give a fuck. Will be funny when they come to pension age and look for pensions the country simply cannot afford but sure demographics.

The public sector pension bill will ate up most of your kids taxes. It went from 114 billion to 150 billion in 3 years and it won’t be reducing.

On an annual basis it was 3.6 billion in 2018. By 2040 it will be unsustainable. The first thing to go will be the non means tested pension for all.

But demographics.

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How are they underpaid at a higher level and lower level?

Lovely defined benefits pensions, cant be bought for love nor money

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I know of a CEO salary of an public sector body with 5,000 employees of 150 grand.

Starting nurses and teachers are on around 20k. Not much more than minimum wage.