Ireland politics (Part 1)

it’s very relevant to your bizarre argument that she was given worse coverage than him for her openly racist comments. In your crusade against misogyny. But you picked a baaaaad example. Because you haven’t got a clue.

It isn’t relevant at all

And I didn’t refer to “coverage”, I referred to the reaction here

Yet your notion is that the story hasn’t been covered i) because she’s a woman and ii) because her partner is apparently some journalist for the Mail

A quick Google shows the story has been widely covered, so you’re talking absolute shite

You’ve straight up denied misogyny in pretty much every pertinent example of it I’ve given here

I’m sensing a pattern

I find it weird that anybody would feel the need to call somebody thinking misogyny is bad “a crusade”

That’s the sort of flippant language used pretty much exclusively by reactionaries who are trying to stop progressive social change by trying to ridicule those who are in favour of it

It’s the sort of lingo you’d expect from the actual far right

If you’re comfortable with that sort of language, that’s your choice

Grealish is a cunt, Coppinger is a cunt, you’re a cunt, cunt away off.

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Ah, the false equivalence trope

The racist man and the anti-racist woman are to be equally derided

All the classics are being wheeled out tonight

When stumped for an answer, resort to cliche

Nothing like a good reactionary cliche to get the blood of the TFK masses up

Or something

I have a fairly unelaborate theory about the following quoted post

The theory is that you projected your own thoughts about what was happening to yourself through me

I think there’s enough clues on this thread at least to sustain that theory

I’d say before long you’ll be celebrating Johnny Arse, who you claimed to bully at school but who in reality actually bullied you, and who until recently you claimed to despise, as a sage of cultural wisdom who will protect the virginal innocence of Ireland from “the black sperm of the intruder” (© Alexander Dugin)

Then it’ll be onto burning down hotels earmarked for direct provision and chanting about blood and soil

And you’ll say to yourself that it was all because I irked you because my posts hit too many raw nerves

You had to push back, and the push back, the reaction, would be fierce

You’re slightly misunderstanding what happened. I didn’t bully anyone in school, I’m too nice, but especially not Arse who was a year ahead of me.

The whole school used to give Arse shit in the corridors about the volume of his arse and sometimes about the mass of it also. It’s density was undetermined and I don’t want to know. His arse looked like he had a Siamese twin growing out of his anus. It’s a little known fact that Arse’s name wasn’t even originally Arse, he just got called that because of the size of his arse.

One day a class-mate of mine saw Arse walking by and shouted out his name, “Johnny Arse”. We were in a classroom during break with the door open and Johnny was walking by in the Social Area. Arse came running in and, even though he was a year ahead of us, did pulled Karate moves on my friend and beat the shit out of him. Arse was/is a black belt and my friend was a helpless young lad. I marked Johnny Arse down in my little black book that day.

I hope I’m explaining properly.

My contempt for Arse has not dimmed over the years, in fact it’s only grown. I have stories to tell about the Arse family that would be pretty much the worst shit ever posted on TFK, the sort of shit that would get Rocko sued and I’ve thought of posting it but I’ve decided to bite my tongue. Johnny Arse’s brothers has at least one brother who is supposed to be very nice but his mother is an absolutely legendary cunt, like a Dickensian villain.

Set up an anonymous Twitter account and tweet reply the stories to him for the craic

Sorry, probably shouldn’t have used that word in relation to him

Can you imagine how painful that cunt would be in the pub?


He’d spend much of it in a toilet cubicle. The fact of the matter is for most Irish fathers the thought that their sons or daughters would be in Australia working in the first place would be a bitter pill to swallow or tough to take. If anyone does the so called bragging that this sanctimonious prick alludes to its a small number of people who have left for a better quality of life or greater opportunities.

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Why do we need another labour TD in Fingal mate?

I found that tweet to be extremely misogynistic … Can Irish daughters not earn good money abroad?

He has fuck all to be looking forward to.

It’s very fucking simple, when members of our parliament are dropping racist suggestions this filters down to hatred as it reaches tge lower levels of society… Words have actions, and by allowing blatant racism exist at the highest level of society we are allowing a culture of fear and hatred grow. Grealish should be run out of it and I hope every aspect of his life is run over and exposed to the wider world and the cunt is left broken

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Because he believes in SEGREGATED CYCLE LANES?

ruh roh

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Oooooooffft. Looks like i should desert a sinking ship. Can you give me advice on it @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy? You’ve been here before with FG, Chelsea and Sinn Fèin.

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The end of a few political careers on here.

That’s my vote anyway