Ireland v Netherlands - Sunday, 7.45pm

I’d blame a lot of our woes on the likes of Gavin cooney and Miguel Delaney.

They destroyed our mentality and the Newstalk lads bought into it. Fellas like Dan mcdonell and Johnny ward.

I’d love to see some tackles, pressing, long throws and long balls tonight.

Instead we’ll be playing triangles on the edge of our box.


I have a huge problem with the formulaic development of players brought in with these coaching badges. Inverted wingers, coached to pass inside. Don’t take any risk at all. It stifles natural ability.

The minute I hear inverted wingers I switch off.

There was nothing wrong with the 4-4-2 formation either.

Look Man City, Liverpool and man United have all signed big units to play centre forward.

We should be trying to create a direct game with intense pressing.

Rice, Grealish and the likes use ireland as a stepping stone to raise their profiles and put the pressure on England to give them a call up.

You have to have options. If you only play one way it becomes easy to press. If you mix it up, hit direct to soneone you know will bring in others then it keeps the other side guessing. Even to win frees up the field and take pressure off.

This Kenny way is just constantly inviting pressure.

Rices agent comes across as a right busy little cunt ringing Southgate after his first call up. Reminding mon he new the rules too.

Of course it’s worth a fortune to the agent if he plays for England.

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Agents are a fucking cancer on sport.

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There is no Kenny way though in reality. He’s a brutal manager.

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Everything always comes back into fashion eventually. The secret is in going against fashion.

Iceland beat England at the Euros and reached a World Cup playing a game which made Jack Charlton’s Ireland look like Brazil 1982.

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West Ham are getting superb results without giving a fuck whether or not they have the ball

[quote=“BruidheanChaorthainn, post:106, topic:38023, full:true”]

Totally wrong there mate, Rice’s father is very proud of his Irish background. Grealish’s father you should have said.

Surely we have a small chance tonight especially if Blind and Wieghorst start.

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The Germans are currently bemoaning how overcoached their young lads are. No instinctive strikers coming through

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Dan McDonell is a pain and not insightful at all but I suppose at least he gives the LOI an airing. Gavin Cooney is a huge Footix. He’s worse than any of us here in the Footixing stakes. He was worrying about the Chelsea academy graduates pathway to the first team on Newstalk last week.


Beaten 1-4 by the Japs last night.

It is interesting that their best & most exciting young player, Musiala, came through an English club. I think he’s one of the best players in the world, full stop.

But it’s been years since they’ve produced a top striker. Klose had to play way past his sell-by date and even Klose wasn’t much of an all-round player despite being very clinical for Germany.

When’s the last time Germany had a world class creative midfielder?

Would you count Kroos?

I would.

World class creative midfielders are pretty rare.

I’d say if you made a list of world class creative midfielders of the last 50 years, it would be shorter than you think.