Irish banking shares

Just the €79m for McKiernan for walking away from Davy.

There is absolutely no justice in the world.

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@maroonandwhite will be delighted at that.

These boys will always look after each other.

Puts it into perspective how small fry that transaction was for a few of the fellas there.

Twas some greed

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It gets better

“The details of the deal also reveal that staff at the stock broker will not be subject to pay caps and bonuses bans that apply at bailed out banks and up to 80 Bank of Ireland staff will transfer to Davy after the deal concludes in 2022, meaning they will also be in line for bonuses and escape the €500,000 a year pay cap. Up to 12 staff per annum can transfer after that.”


Genius. :clap:

I see we made €2bn “profit” on bailing out BOI

FG are some operators. The fiscally prudent party.

2 billun


We will make a packet out of AIB as well

A nice little cash injection for the gubbermint all the same

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If it wasn’t for @Bandage and @Julio_Geordio fiddling the books in Anglo, the bailout would have been a great initiative.

IQ-EQ are a grand bunch of lads.

Sean Quinn heard about the great work those lads were doing and decided to move on from games of 45 to investing billions betting on Anglo shares.

Was there an appalling show done on RTE around Christmas 20 years ago showing him betting 50 cents on a round of 45 with his primary school friends?

From the currency today…

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Had they not fucked up NAMA the state would have made a lovely profit from the bailout.

The whole idea of NAMA was to park the assets but instead they sold everything as fast as they could. NAMA should own half the country and let the rent etc roll in. Could have been our version of the Norwegian oil fund. But the screaming Marys wanted it sold off as fast as possible, so they sold all the good shit cheap


Surprised the lid hasn’t been opened up on some of the deals that were hammered out between 2011 and 2015…