Irish banking shares

The money made by NAMA could look good yet. Look at the amount of shopping centres and retail parks for sale in Ireland at the moment.

One sale of 5 retail parks recently fell through cos the brit equity firm couldn’t raise the capital. A lot of the equity firms trying to offload stuff already.

Retail first. Offices next? Who would buy an office block with the uncertainty that wfh has thrown up.

How long before they start looking at their residential portfolios???


Land Securities have sold the Deutsche Bank building in London for 9% less than the valuation. Sold to Australians.

Who are the investors in Land Securities and why sell a building that hasn’t even been finished…

Commercial real estate is dead. First casualty of the increasing interest rates. Nobody can raise finance.

A property PLC normally hold onto their property. They don’t give huge dividends as the share price should be based on the properties and investments they hold and profit used to reinvest and develop.

Everyone thinks Green were so smart they initiated the MBO years before the crash. Truth is they were told by their main investors BOI and AIB that they wanted cash. The shares were 25% discount net asset to share. So in theory they buy the shares for 75c when all the properties were sold they would make 25c.

Here we have a PLC selling an unfinished building for 9% less than the valuation. Who are the main investors in Land Securities.

you out for the Oireland game tomorrow mate?

Who are they playing?

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Armenia, most hoping they lose so spock gets sacked

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Are you asking a question you already know the answer to?

Have the Newstalk Generation turned on Kenny? What’s Tony O’Donoghue’s interviews like now?

Are Ireland still playing like Brazil but just losing all the games?


Blackrock et al ?

No and yes

Look for the smoking gun

Follow the money.

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Rookies. @TreatyStones uses calendar events to remind him a week before his expire.

Ross there is a bit of a tulip all the same.

I create recurring maintenance jobs in ServiceDesk, a ticket is then generated a month before expiry and we get them renewed.

Pity they clamped down on the *. Certs, they were awful handy.



What could possibly go wrong?