Irish banking shares

I think so but am not sure.

No Mac. I work in the Dublin branch of a Somalian owned bank. We mainly provide finance to African corporations looking to expand their global footprint but, at the moment, we’re also trying to offload a load of rocket launchers and tanks that our corporate recovery section got hold of from a Ukrainian based company that defaulted on a loan.

Bandage, I recieved an e-mail today to my hotmail from a somalian prince looking to transfer $60million out of the country. 10% is the commision… can you post your work e-mail address as we maybe able to facilitate his highness and make a few bob for ourselves.

[quote=“fist_of_fury”]is this not a clever move by cowan ,i’d imagine there will be a serious cash injection into the irish banks from engerland etc, which improves irish banks liquiddity - reducing risk to themselves??

is this how it will work?[/quote]

exactly. but the Brits are upping their guarantee to 50k now I think

So the legislation was passed in relation to the guarantee scheme. The European Commission have suggested that the government should charge banks commercial rates or risk being in breach of EU state-aid rules. I’m not sure what the penalties are if we are found to be in breach of this. More countries are coming out whingeing about it distorting competition laws though it’s still predominantly the Brits leading the moaning. The Minister of Justice has said he’ll consider applications to join the scheme from other banks such as Ulster Bank and NIB on a case-by-case basis.

Cowan should tell the Euro’s to fuck off. Fuck off and take your Lisbon Treaty with you.

anyone see the financial regulator on primetime this evening?

still preaching the “everything’s fine” message.

is lenihan’s move to absorb some of IFSRA’s responsibilities into his dept a proverbial 2 fingers to the regulator?

Surely to fcuk, instead of making ads on the top floor of double decker buses, the financial regulator should have been saying to banks, hey lad your stress tests aren’t good enough, or you can’t lend 15 times someone’s salary for a mortgage.

“What is this ad for?”

What are you for more like, ya fuppin’ ape.

Anybody fancy a debate on the merits of IFRS 7?

is that the one about disclosures of what was historically known as off- balance sheet finance?

Greece copying Ireland now and implementing the same protection for their banks.

Think it’s great craic to hear Downing Street complaining about the Irish decision. They had Northern Rock secured for 100% of all deposits to any value and they had no problem extending that guarantee to the Irish market and NR hoovered up Irish depostis, particularly when the Irish cover limit was just 20k. Now that this money (and maybe some other cash) is flowing the other way they’re getting all precious about free markets again.

[quote=“tipptops*”]AIB and BOI are seemingly inundated with Brits opening a/c’s with them. Cowan should have said he would only cover savings up to a certain date…say 01 october or something…Am i reading this right now…if AIB go bust then any Black and Tan savings in them will be covered by me, the Irish taxpayer…

Anyone confirm or refute this?[/quote]

Just back from hols so catching up on a lot of crazy shit that has been going on since I left but yes that is correct.

On the flip side the Tans are now shoring up Irish banks capital base with there deposits at UK banks expense. Hence the Tans and european banks are not impressed with the Irish move.

Sow it into the cunts Lenihan, a very surprising but strangely positive move from the Irish gov, first country to do it, loads more will follow

Some more of this craic agains this morning.

Anglo down 27% in first 10 minutes, other banks down 17% with a 9% fall in the ISEQ overall. Citigroup downgraded its price estimate of Anglo and AIB. Bit rich hearing a bank saying another bank is shite.

Similar but not as bad in the UK, and the Brits are now complaining about the Germans guaranteeing deposits - time for them to catch up with everyone else, but they’ve become too stubborn about their position I think.

Hypo Real Estate is going to be bailed out by the German government.

BNP buying Fortis operation in Belgium and Luxembourg.

Daily occurences these.

fuck, if these neo-nazi cunts get there hands on a bank there will be no stopping them. surprised they went for a foreign bank.

Lol very true HangBlaa this bank should be able to fund a serious amount of jackboots and swastika flags. :wink:

Another rough old morning of it for the Irish banks.

Anglo Irish Bank down almost 22% to €3.15, Irish Life & Permanent down 15% to €4.25, AIB losing 11% to €5.70 and Bank of Ireland dropping 5.6% to stand at €3.77

Brits having a tough time of it too, RBS are down 40% this morning, Lloyds TSB down 20% and Barclays down 10%.

Incredible hammering again today, just how low can they go. Even with the bail out surely some bank is on the brink?

stupid question but why doesn’t the government suspend trading on the banks on the ISEQ ?

people are trying to make money off the back of this and they should be stopped by stopping them running the share price into the ground

I heard rumours that last Monday the head of BOI and AIB went to the government to tell them that Anglo was about to collapse which would result in the probability that either or both of those two would follow. Hence the guarantee on deposits to create a bit of customer confidence.

Just rumours mind but thought I would mention it.