Irish COTY19: Cunt of the Year Log Thread 2019

Sean Kelly MEP

Is Brian Hayes not a school teacher by profession? What qualifications does he have for this big banking job?

  • Not sure if it’s correct to refer to teaching as a profession.

Dunno kid, but he’s after landing a nice one for himself.6

John Doyle. Not the @myboyblue version but a toerag from Tallaght.

He tipped into Centra in Johnstown with a few mates as they were relocating stock during the snow last year. The doors had been busted in prior to John’s arrival but he was found hiding behind a compactor with 3 packets of Centra’s fags…
Did I mention John (32) has 111 previous convictions. The beak frowned and jailed John for 12 months.
John said he was remorseful and ashamed. I’d say the thieveing bastard was ashamed he was caught and remorseful for only nabbing 60 fags. John seems a bit of a boyo…


He wouldn’t deserve the award

Daniel McConnell political editor with the Irish Examiner

Paul Reynolds sycophantic cunt and issuer of Garda press releases

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??? Who

That’s hardly news.

Wasn’t his Dad a senior Garda?

Daniel was on Morning Ireland this morning giving his take on Leo’s decision to remove Bailey as chair of the Oireachtas Committee on Housing. Daniel reckoned Leo had shown tremendous compassion in treating Maria firmly but leniently. He agreed with the Taoiseach that she had suffered enough. He also stated that while Bailey had signed an affadavit that clearly exaggerated her injuries that she did not attempt to “mislead” anybody. Daniel then offered the opinion that Bailey would be a huge loss to the Oireachtas Housing committee as she had really thrown herself into the role. (I’d say the 10K homeless people in Dublin are inconsolable at the news). He went on to say that there would be the usual cribbing and moaning from political opponents but that this was probably the end of the matter. All this delivered in a plummy Eoghan Murphyesque accent. The FG press office could not have done a better job. Daniel is a cunt, hence the nomination.


Hardly COTY stuff ?

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This lad has seriously cuntish potential. Remember where you heard it first.



reynolds story wasnt news, it was a press release, reynolds is supposed to be a reporter, not a messenger boy and mouth.

i think his father was an inspector IIRC.




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Yeah I was only making the point that he’s used that press release style for years.


Even Kneeve Whoring?

I have previously noted his Eoghan Murphy similarities privately offline

He strikes me as more malevolent than Murphy who is a simpleton

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A job in the FG press office awaits him working alongside that rosy cheeked cunt Chris o Donoghue

I think he’s a lot worse than O’Donoghue who if he was in the UK would probably be a Lib Dem or Blairite Labour

McConnell strikes me as the type who would be an apologist for the worst Tory cuts and probably pro-Brexit if he was there

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