Irish COTY19: Cunt of the Year Log Thread 2019

Will Leahy

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Anna Geary


Why ?

She is a bit of a nuisance but well short of even a nomination here .

She’s a proper cunt dude.

Brian Hayes, ex TD, ex MEP, ex,current and future cunt


Johnny Ward (two bit actor). Using Anna Kriegels murder to try keep himself relevant because he taught her a few dance classes. Cunt.


Who is he ?


Fair City star remembers Ana Kriegel as ‘a lovely creative young girl’ who he taught dance to

Gerry Thornley. I just read the headline.


Montpellier’s espoirs are coming to Galway this weekend

Can’t wait

Going to bring some antiseptic cream with me

James Geoghegan FG Dublin City Councillor.

James was on Drivetime yesterday to discuss the O’Deveney Gardens development. He came across as your typical FG politician, obnoxious, arrogant, loud and clueless. When he refused to give an opinion on whether there should be affordable rental properties made available in the new development, Mary Wilson’s obvious dislike of him shone through when she asked him why he wouldn’t give an opinion as he had “an opinion on everything else”.

James may not have the pedigree to win COTY but he has the potential to be a consistent nominee.

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Niall McGarry? Everything Mayo touches turns to shit…

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His reasons are similar to the hard left and SF on affordability, no?

He wants it to go ahead, Sinn Fein don’t. His stance on this is not why I’ve nominated him.

Apologies, I thought FG went against it. If he is for it, then by definition he is for affordable housing there as that makes up the bulk regardless of the definition of affordable on some of it, a large proportion is social housing. The cost to the State is one of the issues noted by those opposing it - which is quite funny I think given their usual stances.

I don’t think social housing makes up the the bulk of the overall development. Sinn Fein’s problem is with what the State are receiving for the land. They don’t agree with selling off state assets at well below market value. The current housing crisis is partly down to selling off state asset cheaply so Sinn Fein’s stance is understandable.


Kathryn Thomas will be seething.

Peter Boylan

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