Irish COTY19: Cunt of the Year Log Thread 2019

pm please

Can I have one too, pal?

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Can I have one too @fenwaypark please?

I wonā€™t have one @fenwaypark.


Pm please. I have no shame. Cc @fenwaypark

He is narcissistic pond life.


@fenwaypark , PM please.

Some people have sickening levels of curiosity. Who gives a rats ass what this gimp has been up to. That said it would be a fitting finale to Delaneyā€™s tenureship of the ill-fated FAI were he to annex the prestigious COTY award.

He could stick his finger up at Blatter then, secure in the knowledge that this award is beyond Seppā€™s grasping paw. Look great on his wiki page too. Hā€™on Delaney.


PM please.

I have to admit reading his book at momentā€¦Itā€™s not the worst read.

To write a half decent sports bio you have to be a bit of a cunt.

Is it not ghost written?

It is. Dion Fanning I believe.

Why do you ask?

Could I have a pm too please ?

Pm sent.

Jackie Cahill


I missed the Richie Sadlier PM thing. Can someone please oblige?

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Very much along the lines of what Bressie is/was doing.

Iā€™ve decided my COTY is Sean Quinn. In the paper today saying weā€™ve got to find out who is the paymaster behind the attacks. No oneā€™s asking the big questions he says.

Start the vote


Brian Darcy

This is his time


Yes, definitely the most cuntish priest to emerge over the past 20 years :rollseyes:

Agreed. A right fucking wanker.

Vote Darcy, a name long associated with cuntishness.