Irish soccerball nil - That boy Jinky will save us (Part 2)

This would never have happened under Dela’s watch.


Who had this eejit in the pot?

Job is oxo.

17s just equalised against a stubborn Cypriot side with a beautiful free kick. Livestream here

Ah ffs an awful goal straight back 2-1 down

Get in 2-2

Ireland laying siege to the Cypriot goal since I clicked in. They’ll get a third

Need it I think with Italy winning

Should be 6-7 mins added on here

They are trying to force it too much. Shooting from everywhere

The diving for this age is infuriating

Would these lads be on contracts of some sort already or how can they be off in Cyprus on a random Monday?

Ah fuck that was the chance

Another Cypriot shot

Melia is a wizard

They have missed some chances :see_no_evil:

Made a balls of that but he is class.

what a chance

Pass the thing


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