Irish soccerball nil - That boy Jinky will save us (Part 2)

The Doc, along with corners aimed at Shane Duffy, is our only attacking option

Having said that we probably won the Xg on Saturday

The Doc was playing very well before his injury for Spurs. Hopefully he gets plenty of Champions League action next season.



Anyone going to this tomorrow night?

Im considering it but €50 a ticket is steep.

In the halcyon days, Dela would have 2x free one’s left behind reception at the Ballsbridge Hotel for me :cry:

I’ll be there… meaning @Bandage probably won’t


How are you fixed, pal?

I have a couple of tickets going spare.

@Crutches, are you around? You sorted me out before. Do you need tickets?

Anybody else knocking around on the look out?

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I’m after receiving a free ticket for the premium section of the East Stand this morning and am making tracks towards Dublin 4 now.


Excellent stuff. Enjoy the game.

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These tickets are free to a good home by the way.

Actually they’re free to a mediocre home.

Anyone interested?

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I PM’ed you there

not with that dolt spock in charge


Spock out

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I’m alright pal, thanks for the offer

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Bit disappointed to see Cyrus Christie get the shout at RWB ahead of Festy tonight. Think Festy offers more long-term.

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The bossman looks nervous.

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Ukraine with 10 changes tonight from the big game against Wales. Surely ripe for a scalp, although TOD says that it’s not a fringe team.

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Ridiculous decision

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I see Darby O’Gill decided to take advantage of the opportunity

Savage Ukrainian mother there in the crowd.

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