Irish soccerball nil - That boy Jinky will save us (Part 2)

Fuck sake

Hardly needed to check that ffs

Ah for fucks sake

I must have missed the really good save that Kelleher made in the first half

That’s a cracking strike in fairness.

But our pedestrian and predictable play has invited them to attack.

I can’t watch this (I’m relying on you lot) and even I know Hendick has been shite.


They were only ever scoring with a shot from distance, very same as Azerbaijan.

Our lads wouldnt score in a brothel the way they’re set up.

Stephen Kenny out.

Luxembourg? Azerbaijan didn’t score against us either time.

Set up for a last minute Duffy equaliser

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Jesus that was pathetic

The Kenny cultists are working hard to find a way the can spin losing to 92nd in the world.

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It was awfully hot

Armenia gave us far too much respect in the first half

But but but…they pass the ball over and back and across the pitch.

Drew 1-1 pal they scored first.

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Surely Cullen should stay and Hendrick go?

Oh yeah apologies. I was thinking of the 3-0 out there.

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Hendrick is gash

Fuck off Hendrick!!