Is it too late to save Gaelic Football

There’s no saving bog ball.

Only Derry can save Gaelic Football. The GAA are against us, but the real people of ireland are for us…all six of them.
More on this tomorrow.

The south east is a footballing wasteland

That podcast series on the history of Gaelic football that @Fat_Pox recommended is great. Real agenda free look back at old matches. Interesting to hear rouse agrees with the theory that players are more skilful than ever and he puts it down to go games and better coaching. He puts a massive reason for the change in the game down to the 90s free out of the hand rule. All agree something needs to be done about the game as a spectacle now.

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All counties who dont particularly give a fuck about Football. Maybe help the ones who want it to be helped in, and fuck the rest. For example, its obvious Carlow want to try get better, help them. Its obvious Waterford dont give a fuck, fuck them.

Wicklow just dont seem to give a fuck about GAA to any great extent, its a baffling one that.

Jim McGuinness is going to save football when Donegal blitz teams this summer with their lightning transitions.

This lad will be all over it, look at what he’s championing, me man drilling it forward on the ground :joy:

I love when lads take an isolated snippet from a game to suit a narrative.
“Soccer influence”.
They better hope he doesn’t bring his soccer influence.


Jimmy giveth and Jimmy taketh away.

That’s basically a ‘fly kick’. In the 60s there used to be 50 or 60 of them a match. Basically lads pulling on the ball first time and booting it down field.

Cork, cavan and fermanagh look like they haven’t three defenders between them

Is there no one out there to give ye a game?

Not strange at all when you consider traditionally Wicklow has had highest percentage of Church of Ireland residents in the country . The game was for farmhands living in townlands split by mountains down the middle. No wonder all hell has broken loose over the years.

Half mountain, half protestant, half cracked


Too late

Way too late

A lot of lads would benefit from just accepting that

Good fuck, Jim Gavin heading up the Football Review Group.

Pack it up lads, tis done.

I’m sure the group will have the sense to say: you know what, we football has improved massively in recent years and we’ll just leave everything alone for a decade and see how it goes.

They definitely won’t come up with some stupid ideas so they can justify the existence of the committee.