Joe Canning, Unquestionably the GOAT

It’s incredible no top class athlete is bothered by public perception. Winners win and losers lose. Canning is a born loser too worried about public perception.

Only a born winner like Canning could take a swipe like that and do it with such grace and good humour. Unrale.

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I disagreed with the shite being said about him after the incident to be honest. It was wrong. Equally though, I don’t see the point in this post. Bit immature.

The comments on the League Sunday Program were laughable too ffs

I wonder will that lad from Kinvara send him another tweet.

Do you still have an issue with him earning a few quid in his spare time?

Joe is box office, he plays the bluffers and media like a fiddle.

Joe is box office.

It was reported by Galway based journalists it was a dead leg. This injury only came to light in the past few days. Very unusual.

@anon32894817 is absolutely seething here :joy:


The lads are obsessed with Joe. Its unrale.

I’ve never seen anything like it in all my time of TFK. This is SERIOUS BUSINESS.


Joe is very upset so he is, the big weirdo

It was very clear on the day it was a serious injury.

That he is. But I reckon he’d have been better off leaving that post off.

Agreed. Where did he post it?

Shur a dog with a stick in his hole would have been able to tell you the man was nearly kilt.

None of his team mates talk to him anymore

Looks like his snappy chatty story thingy

I just seen the Galway supporters thing at the bottom… I don’t know how snap chats works, but is it possible a private snappy was made public?

Lads who run supporters pages on social media are the weirdest cunts you’ll ever encounter.

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He’s won fuck all in fairness



Limerick Institute of Technology



