Joe Canning, Unquestionably the GOAT

Is Joe attached to Horizon Sports?

Nope I think they all invested a few pubs together.

Who? Lowry and Conor Ridge investing in pubs?

Ah sure any man drinking in Clancy’s bars knows Jack

:joy::joy::joy: funny fred here

He’s some man to keep the show on the road. He went to cheltenham with us last year. Never again.

I’d fear for the lad - he’ll hit the wall soon enough.

over to Japan on the piss, over to Cheltenham on the piss…there’s serious event junkies in this country.

Did I not see you in the square in Bordeaux with one shoe off during euro 2016?

I’d agree you can’t keep that up.

I wasn’t wearing shoes at all.

Joe Canning irresponsibly promoting unapproved helmets

I had a lovely Gola helmet when I was a young fella.

I had a lovely square mycro one

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I started out with a Red Denver. Big square cunt of a yoke.

I found the Green Gola in the dressing rooms. Straight in the bag

Timmy McCarthy job? Good for the likes of Balbec.


Aren’t the Gola and older Cooper helmets more or less the same thing from a design point of view?

Mine was the exact same as the Cooper effort at the time alright.

Only problem as I aged & my mallet got bigger was my Gola was a Juvenile helmet.

Drilling new holes & eventually mix matching it was needed to get the fucker to fit

€225 for a helmet. It’d want to be taking the sidelines as well :flushed::flushed::flushed:


Doesn’t matter if they look the same they have to go through the testing to be certified. Also I’d imagine the GAA need a taste of some sort :moneybag: