Paddy Power got a bit of a kicking today. Was told by my dad the punters werent happy. If you go to the Rte site and go into Radio 1 and liveline and listen around 5 minutes from the end. Also the Evening Hearld had one of the stories printed tonight. Boo Hoo. Read the rules.
Pay the punters and sack the people that made the mistakes. That’ll put the fear into the people responsible for entering the prices and they won’t fook up again.
I backed Ireland NOT to qualify for Euro 2008 as the odds were 11/2 after the Cyprus debacle. They should have been 1/12.
I suppose I can kiss goodbye to getting paid out after listening to people “Talk to Joe” yesterday.
thedancingbaby wrote:
I backed Ireland NOT to qualify for Euro 2008 as the odds were 11/2 after the Cyprus debacle. They should have been 1/12.
I suppose I can kiss goodbye to getting paid out after listening to people “Talk to Joe” yesterday.
Fight your cause, don’t let them screw you around. Give me a call and I’ll get you paid out.
I suppose I can kiss goodbye to getting paid out after listening to people “Talk to Joe” yesterday.
What, any chance of a quick explanation of what happened?
Yeah I heard this mentioned on Gerry Ryan thias morning; what was it all about?
I believe Joe said “get off the train Paddy”. Which would definitely be worth hearing again.
there was a number of callers who had a gripe with Powers.
i only caught some of the first caller who it seems bet on a back to score the first try in one of the WC matches. the odds appeared at 13/8 but should have been 8/13. he lumped on and got paid out at 8/13.
another caller was in a shop last saturday and wanted 2000 euro at 4/1 on Reading to score the 3rd goal in their game versus Sundireland. The bird behind the counter clarified the price and initialled the docket. As she was counting the 2k, Dave Kitson pops up to score. PP refused to pay out as the docket hadnt gone through the till.
On Joe Duffy show, PP said that, in relation to the first case, the punter was an opportunist who clearly knew the odds were wrong - this is where I guess Im screwed with my Ireland bet.
The second case, PP said that it was simply a case of bad timing for the punter.
Not great PR for Powers
The second case, PP said that it was simply a case of bad timing for the punter.
Or a slow stupid b*tch behind the counter more like. I try to stay away from Bookies and bet over the internet instead, most of the Clerks are extremely ignorant. The last bet I made in a PP Ballyfermot bookies the twat behind the counter thought nothing of scoffing a sausage roll in front of me while she was giving me my docket reciept
id say it depends on how much you put on
whats your query about the Milan flights??
Andy has sorted me & tipper out with tickets
Shocking stuff going on here.
Was the sausage mucher in Powers ben?
FingalRaven wrote:
id say it depends on how much you put on
whats your query about the Milan flights??
Andy has sorted me & tipper out with tickets
just wondering if you had booked your flights. im getting the 3 match package on friday.
i had 85 on at 11/2 with regard to the bet
Was the sausage mucher in Powers ben?
The Ballyfermot Village Paddy Power store yep!
If you knew of 100 people that were in the same situation as you regarding the bet their hand would be forced. They bully people when its a fairly small thing
thedancingbaby wrote:
I backed Ireland NOT to qualify for Euro 2008 as the odds were 11/2 after the Cyprus debacle. They should have been 1/12.
I suppose I can kiss goodbye to getting paid out after listening to people “Talk to Joe” yesterday.
Got paid out in full. I wont have a bad word said against Paddy Power !!!
That’s quality stuff.
thedancingbaby wrote:
thedancingbaby wrote:
[quote]I backed Ireland NOT to qualify for Euro 2008 as the odds were 11/2 after the Cyprus debacle. They should have been 1/12.
I suppose I can kiss goodbye to getting paid out after listening to people “Talk to Joe” yesterday.
Got paid out in full. I wont have a bad word said against Paddy Power !!![/quote]
Was that online or in a shop?
it was online Flano
thedancingbaby wrote:
it was online Flano
I must admit this is doing my head in.
Flano wrote:
thedancingbaby wrote:
[quote]it was online Flano
I must admit this is doing my head in.[/quote]
Everything is ok now. Ya dirty swine, fair play to ya. Serious fook made by event management team