My sister is getting two kittens. I’ve suggested Sally&Flynn and Stabler&Benson as names. Anybody got any comical suggestions? Not sure why I’m posting such a gack topic. Probably cos I’m insanely bored on a training course. I predict this topic to sink quicker than my Alcoholism thread. Disheartening. :-[
Rocko and Bandage?
Sally and Flynn would be lovely.
Surely your uber-cool father can come up with some witty suggestions?
You cant call them rocko and bandage unless they are having sex with each other.
Call one ball and the other ox.
Peter and Dan?
Tom and Pippa?
Alf and Ailsa?
My cat Skippy, named after the Wexford centre back Declan Skippy Ruth, was one of our road death statistics last November. I was absolutely gutted when my mother rang me about it.
I wish your sister every good wish with her kittens.
We have two rabbits at home called brandy and baileys. If you were going for a home & away theme I think I would go with Alf and Ailsa as suggested above they were a great couple.
I find it very amusing that the alcoholic Backstreet Boy’s dog is called Jack Daniels ;D
How are the kittens Clarkey?
I was reading this earlier too