La Liga

Barcelona 1 up. Barcelona should have sold messi five years ago.


Xavi’s REVITALISED Barcelona are leading 2-0. And from the bit I’ve seen, they are toying with Real Madrid.

Vinicius threw in the most laughable dive to try and win a penalty I’ve seen for quite a while.

Chelsea will murder Real Madrid in the Champions League.

Real Madrid have a long history of celebrating with black shirts.

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I’m just bookmarking this…

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It was such a bad dive he actually went berserk looking for the penalty to try and distract from how bad a dive it was.

Surprised he didn’t pull a stomach muscle doing it. It was like Uncle Albert pretending to have a heart attack in Only Fools And Horses. The one where Lennox Gilbey pretended to hold up a supermarket.

Xavi has them purring. 3-0

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Torres will turn into a superstar now

A paddling.

Cracking goal.

Ref made a balls of this.

Onside surely ?

Nobody knows the rules.

There’s a thread for that sort of thing

Taxi for Carlo

I probably won’t be bookmarking it and I’ll definitely forget it

They’re 15 points behind before today though :person_shrugging:t2:

He’s a second tier coach trading on reputation. The game has passed him by.

Whereas Barcelona have indeed produced another egomaniacal Catalan mega brain coach with dodgy links to a despotic Middle Eastern regime.

This changes everything.