Lads covering up the grey hair thread

Paul Stanley KISS. The man is 70.


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I’d say that’s an Irish jig.


Jack O’Connor, Kerry coach

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Kevin Hart

Dónal Óg Cusack

Leo Varadkar

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Paul Kinnerk

Sean Cavanagh

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I don’t get it. Wigs or hair dye. You have Peter Pan fellas who want to pretend they are young, or young looking, while still looking ridiculous. Cliff Richard, Paul McCartney, Alan Shatter, Paul McGinley etc.
I’m at a stage where, when it’s time to get a haircut, I have no idea what to go for and am secretly hoping to go bald so I will have no choice but to keep it tight all the time! The beard has gone grey though before the hair! Do lads put colour in the beards these days?

I don’t get it either. But then I’m as grey as a badger and have classic male pattern baldness. I give my self a 3 on the hair and 9 on the beard every three weeks. Makes life very simple.


Sean Hursan

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Paul Moody

Bernard Flynn.

I think Bernard Flynn must be meticulous about his appearance. We have a mutual friend and at that mutual friend’s mother’s funeral we were parked beside each other at the post funeral luncheon venue It was a damp day and muddy enough in the graveyard, Bernard (re)- polished his shoes before going in.



You need to re-post or somehow connect this activity to the Funeral Etiquette thread.
And you have lads here wondering about runners/shorts/jackets….

Proper behaviour although his alrightsortedness may be suspect.


Who wouldn’t have a shoe buffer in your glove box in case you are going into a F2F meeting or indeed a funeral??

You can’t polish a pair of tackies

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Did you see him applying any of the Polish to his hair?

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