Im back in work after a mammoth session over the weekend and feel like someone has battered me all over. I feel crippled, I didnt fall over or anything but im in agony. What the fuck is going on…
Farmer will tell you all about this Flano. He’s been going on for two years now about how the drink is affecting him yet never stops. I’m currently in a bit of a lull myself with little interest in boozing it up but I do go through phases where I’m drinking 3 and 4 nights a week. It’s not healthy and it does take it’s toll. Makes you slow and lethargic. I’m trying to get myself a wee bit healthier at the moment so trying to cut down on the booze.
Only 2 years, ive been giving out for at least 5
I find excessive drinking has an effect on my short term memory in work. Someone will ask me to do something and I’ll say ‘yeah fine’ and then they’ll ask for it a while later and I’ll be there ‘shit, forgot to do that.’ The Sunday evening comedown if you’ve been out Thursday, Friday and Saturday is an absolute killer too.
Totally agree Bandage. I generally try to avoid proper drinking two nights in a row now because I find it often gives me the depressed hangover, where you question the direction and worth of your life. Which is a shit buzz.
If you’ve been out on Friday, Saturday and you get that hangover on top of the regular Sunday Blues, it’s an absolute killer. Staring at the ceiling and drowning in The Dread you can lose all sense of proportion of how bad work actually is.
A mate of mine favours two or three pints around sevenish on a Sunday to avoid this (think he calls them Ratbusters), but this carries all too obvious risks of merely delaying the hangover till Monday morning.
Ah jaysus lads, just reading this thread is making me consider the direction(or lack thereof) Im taking with my life. Im going on the sauce now…
Pints on a Sunday are the best thing since Sliced bread, they wrap up the weekend and give you a good buzz if your in good company. Only thing, they have to be consumed between 9pm and 10.30pm, that way the kids are out of the pub and the last orders bell (at 11pm) won’t tempt you to go to town in search of a late bar.
Won’t tempt me??? How many times have we ended up in Coppers on a Sunday night!
The demon drink resulted in my waking up in Drogheda on the train last night. Had to get a taxi home then as I’d missed the last train.
Where were you when I was talking to you? You’re lucky you didn’t get to Dundalk.
Just entering Drogheda (I presumed it was Laytown). You might have saved me from disaster.
thepiedpiper wrote:
The demon drink resulted in my waking up in Drogheda on the train last night. Had to get a taxi home then as I’d missed the last train.
Ha ha ha, good man Pied! Although I cant laugh as its well known within PAFC that I have a drinking problem!
And here was me thinking you were relatively sober when I left the pub piper.
I tend to agree on the Sunday evening pints option. I used to head down to the pub to watch the 9pm Sunday night La Liga game with the lads the season before last and after a quick few pints work on Monday morning would be the last thing on your mind.
Then we got Sky in for the Ashes last winter and used to just watch the football at home on a Sunday night. With no prospect of a few pints to get my mind off work, and having generally been out on Friday and Saturday, I used to get terrible Sunday night blues. This may or may not have led to me quittng my job last Christmas.
Must get back into the Sunday night pint routine alright.
Post edited by: Bandage, at: 2007/08/16 21:19
I remember talking to a chap pissed outta his face in Heuston Station one night, the eejit fell asleep after Limerick Jct. and missed his Thurles stop. He arrived in Heuston at 1915 and had to wait for the 2100 Cork train back to Thurles. He should have been in thurles at around 1800!!
Shit happens!!
Soft cunt
Fuck off with yourself.
Sad man
Nah bro. I’m feeling fantastic. Off the drink for the past two months. Barrup!
I thought only muldoons went to Coppers???
I used to go in there and intimidate the muldoons.