Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Did yer man just saying ‘fucking’?!

And again!!!

The devil runs the late late , snakes and the third eye tattooed on his skinny arms

Picture This are edgy, whodathunkit.

The lead singer from Picture This had never heard With or Without You by U2 until last year. Fucking shoot me now.


What the fuck dies that mean? What is a brown recovery, just a shit one?

And a boring uninspired version being played.

The lead singer is the platonic ideal of a tosser

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Jesus my ears are bleeding :weary::weary:

That is some gimpy looking cunt of a lead singer

Tubridy comes across sometimes as the most patronising wanker known to man.

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Tubridy has some neck to be talking here as some sort of national authority after he was too negligent to wash his own hands and social distance.

Head or gut?

This is excruciating

Nanny fucking Pat.

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Great Leitrim accent here.

This one is gas

Don’t count your chicks before they’re hatched.


Mrs Maguire will be getting a call in the morning you’d say

Do you know Nanny Pat? Any truth in the rumour that Boxty was doing a line with her in a past life?