Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

You got a fair clatter of likes from the shills thereā€¦ Youā€™re a pig what, 5 months now? And you already have your snout well and truly in the trough. Oink.


@Tank liked it :man_shrugging:

Agreed, lapsed poster Sidney was an example. Did not understand power of gaa clubs in rural Ireland.

Did anyone else find Varadkar skipping press conference scrutiny of the plan, and then stuttering, stumbling and scrambling for his notes while being coaxed and saved by pencil neck on The Late Late Show ā€œhonestā€ and ā€œendearingā€? Or was it just muldoon and metropolitan GGA players on twitter?


Iā€™d like to see Yatesey interviewing him.


Same with Tyrone. They dont understand the importance of clubs, or cutlery for that matter.


Iā€™d love to see any of him, Harris or T-Dog actually questioned, anyone would do this stage, even a mild grilling.
The media are a disgraceful bunch of yes men in this country. There are few if any journalists left. Just people who want to stay on the governments good side and get some handy copy, or those who consider turning 14 gifs and 5 tweets into an article to be journalism.

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Yates in fairness calls it how he sees it.

The voice of reason in a world gone mad

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:astonished: News to meā€¦

Liam Griffen was excellent today on Down to Business too, reassuring to finally hear some fellas with actual cop on on the airwaves. The Wexford lads have this thing by the balls

Adam Clayton always struck me as an alright sort.

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Heā€™s part of the establishment.

He always appears to be gentlemanly.

This guy is a jolly old bean.

Tubridy is a right bollox.

Whatā€™s he done?

Heā€™s just a patronising prick, licking up to Pierce Brosnan.

ā€˜We were so proud of you as Irish people when you became James Bondā€™.

Then a few big words thrown in.

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Couldnā€™t RTE just show a decent film rather than dragging the arse of this shit

Heā€™s loving this lockdown, everyone still stuck indoors so he has a platform to pontificate to pretty much the whole country on a Friday night.

Like all his pals in RTE he revels in death and grief.

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