Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

He got his eye wiped by some chump from Spin or the likes

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I’m actually angry at Tubridy imagining it. The twee would be off the charts

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Matt, tell us what a great bunch of lads we are.


and even rougher listening

Give us a pat on the head there Matt.

Aren’t we sound Matt, aren’t we?
And isn’t Ireland beautiful Matt, isn’t it?
And could you say the word “craic” there.
Ha ha.
Wait till you try a pint of Guinness Matt.


Some serious doses there . Although Buble is a likeable character

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Now that is a cuntfest of a lineup. Imelda May, can’t fucking stand her. Watched some Dubliners gig in Vicar St recently and she taking over the show with da doob-alin toora loora gargle yarns. Fuck off.


Any chance of Imelda and Christy singing a duet?

Is Buble back singing? His wee son got sick and he said he would never sing again until he got better. My sister hates his music but she loves him.

Bubles O’Dwyer

Betting suspended on that.

Probably some song about “de doob-al-in towa-an”. Just missing “Damo” to top it off…


I stopped reading the line up once I saw Imelda May. Don’t like labelling people but she is one painful woman to listen to

Would you?

How so?

A professional howya

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Ye are a shower of snobby cunts. Imelda May speaks with an inner city Dublin accent because she is from Dublin’s inner city.


I think they’d like if she tried to better herself.

An effort is all they want