Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

You make that sound like a bad thing

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The true colours come out when it’s put up to him alright. The roof on those cheap seats doesn’t keep much off

He’s had a rough week of it

Attack is the best form of defence

Ye’re fierce touchy tonight.

Robbie’s granny has just survived Covid 19! Literally just happened!

Either that or blame a sore finger

It was his childhood dream to deliver such a good news story on the late late

Any word on Stephen Ireland’s?

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All 4 of them are safe


That was fairly shite

Sinead needs to grow the hair. Her head is gone too fat for the bald look.

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They’ve mcgowan on again in their replay show. Jaysus tis a hard watch

Good beer is your friend.

Rainy Night in Soho is the greatest song of all time.


Itd nearly make you put the beer away.

It gets me every time.


‘Some of them fell into heaven, Some of them fell into hell’ is the greatest line in a song of all time.

Paul Mannion does a magnificent version when Dublin win the All Ireland.


But theres a light I hold before me
And you’re the measure of my dreams, the measure of my dreams

Songwriting doesn’t get any better than this

Christy Dignam has some fucking voice