Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Glynn kicking the Government in the balls here

He did his job competently mate, no more, no less

Next 2 weeks are crucial yawns :yawning_face:

Glynn’s wife is an RTE insider…??

Would certainly explain the favourable coverage the state broadcaster is giving NPHET…

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‘Small family run business and fellas chancing their arm’, you got it in one Doc

The next 9 months will be crucial


The next 9 months are vital.

He’s mentioned 9 months here twice, is it all over next June or something?

That wasn’t much of an interview. Not one hard question

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If the idea was to somehow lend Glynn some level of gravitas it may well backfire

Waste of time, that interview. PR puff piece.

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I thought the town was in mourning over Billy McCarthy?

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How did Tubs take anything “positive” from that?

A bleak winter is coming

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Married to rte newsreader carla o’brien.


He is a commentator on a minority sport

A river dance stalwart no less

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Meat factories, direct provision no mention why am I not surprised? Why am I annoying myself watching this🤦‍♂️


10 minutes of shite and onions from this lightweight. The country is royally fucked.
The Tubridy cunt taking “positive” messaging from this gimp. Christ…


Glynn must have had a makeover since his weeding. A proper haircut and fashionable spectacles.