Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

We are on a knife edge.

The next six months is vital.

Next 6 month’s now

Like a fella on presenting his Young Scientist project.


Has Luke a book coming out? First I’ve heard of it


Anybody remember the word on channel 4. They had a segment where lads would do anything to get on TV - eat vomit, snog their granny

That’s what Tubridy is reduced to now


Avoid speaking into liquid nitrogen seems to be the key takeaway there


Regeneron getting great publicity :clap:

I’ve said it before, it’s an awful pity Tubridy wasn’t caught up in Golfgate in Clifden, the sanctimonious prick.


“Ten” exclaims Ryan.

How many mill did Luke get from the company sale? Does he really need to flog a book?

Science will save us

300 millen or so iirc

About going to New Ross :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Ya but how much did he get of it I wonder. He might have had a chunk sold off before then

Maybe Tubs will ask him the median age of deaths, data and evidence and all that

Trump gone to hospital

President Trump :astonished:

He doesn’t need the book sales to keep the roof over his head anyway

Plenty of investors and Trinity had a few bob in it as well.

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