Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

By god Annie is laying waste to him :laughing:

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Ryan is getting a fair mugging off here


Did he just say bollox? :joy:

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Sounded like oh fuck to me

Fuck sake

€2m raised. By God

FFS and Polly Protestant is really breaking new ground here.

That’s a lovely touch with the diaspora

Ah fuck sake that bit has me in bits

They are tugging all the heartstrings tonight. Disappointed there wasn’t a box with @Tassotti from Camden though

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This has been poor show…we needed a big one,something out of left field, innovative …even Tiny Tim would turn his nose up at some of those toys on display here …

A virtual hug :heart_eyes:

This Adam chap is a diamond lads


Psycho knows


Killing me tonight

The porter at Temple Street seems a very nice man. Kind ordinary people who make life better. Don’t consider themselves special


Christ that’s unreal