Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

  1. Is she still going out with Breen?

No she is not.

Philomena is a hall of famer.

What a proxy trophy. It’s like the sort of thing a Provo prisoner would make in Portlaoise

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I wonder does she remember you from that auspicious event. She’s looking every day of 78 .

I got a dance with an oul wan.

Blanket on the Ground is absolutely iconic.

She looked a bit confused walking up to the mike but the class shone through

Margo droning on here about her great friend Dolly Parton

A personal friend.

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Paul McGinleyesque

Jackie Tyrell is a poor mans Mike Denver when it comes to the style stakes


The voice is fairly gone with Margo

Mother of jaysus

She’s murdering this one

This lad had to get a job. Admirable

He should stick to cleaning trolleys

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Thought he was going to trip over the speaker.

Dionne Warwick is on bbc4

Trudy looks like she’s had a stroke