Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Code word for coke after the show .

An embarrassing use of taxpayers TV license funds.

My thoughts exactly. Where was the fucking busking?

Ryan whoā€™s given us strength over the yearā€¦ fucking hell. What a crock of shit.

You know whatā€™s typical RTE? Bring the singer of the best Xmas song of all time onto a show just before Xmas and not have him sing that song.


Bono hates talking to Irish audiences, he knows his shtick doesnā€™t work here. He threw a few mentions of his Da in a misguided attempt to garner sympathy. He should stick strictly to US audiences from now on where shite like that pays

Just tuning in now. Anyone crack on with a 14 year old yet?

Has he talked about his encounters with the orange men and RUC back in the day when he was a boy?

Yeah, himself Hansard and HSE chief Pauld Reid all had it very tough growing up apparo


Bono is some cunt.

Hansard is sound.

Brendan Oā€™Carroll must be seething over losing the Grafton Street gig on Christmas Eve.

Hansards may be a bollox but heā€™s a better musician than Bono.

Fret not my friend, the Finglas Floridian will be joining the Ballyfermot Bullshitter via videolink/Zoom or whatever the fashionable thing is on Christmas Eve. Joe, the man of the people, will be conducting matters with his red braces on from the comfort of a luxury armchair in Montrose. Maybe Iā€™m becoming cynical but this is absolute horseshitā€¦ Grrrrrrā€¦

Brendan Oā€™Carroll does great work for charidee

If ever a man replicated the biblical parable of the loaves and fishes itā€™s him. He turned a modest talent into a money machine. That oulā€™ Mrs.Brown sthick has run itā€™s course I think.

Just finished that on +1. A lovely show. Could have done with more music mind you. And wtf was that leper at with the George Michael.

A gaggle of cunts. If RTE were interested in an Irish artist who climbed the heights and stayed there, they would have had Van Morrison there. But they arenā€™t interested, they would prefer to indulge buskers like Bono and Halsted. Was the wanker Halsey not available?

Irish artists who are relevantā€¦ Yeats, Heaney, Shields, Morrison (Van), Morrison (Jim), and Shaneā€¦ Shane most of all.

Yeah. Whoever heard of them U2 cunts

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