Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

I’d say he’d love to get an audience in and have a mass spreading event.

Would ye ever consider turning it off lads?

I did.

You’re inspirational

Hed actually love to say mass, hear confessions, give the last rites, say the funeral and pocket his fee

Tell me about it

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You’re no Jim Allister.

What has safe food ever done for us?

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Who the fuck needs waterways anyways?

He actually said that…on the wireless. I want to make it my ringtone


Stay strong. I know a lad with a truck. We’ll get as many potted Roses as people need. They’re there for anyone who is prepared to fight for them.

Ok. But you’re gunna have to take some orange lilies in exchange. Only fair

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You’ve gone all north/south. That’s the problem according to Jum. We need to concentrate on East/West Berlingland.

What’s that naval term for a blockade breaker? You’re the man regardless

Belly Barricade has a good ring to it.

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Why would she call for his head? Screening is not diagnostic. It works on a population base. The RCOG review cleared cervicalcheck. Massive awards on very little basis. Most people in fairness understand this now in fairness.

He wanted to go full Nixon on the women involved, that’s why he should be called out

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Honestly? Have many of these women not come out repeatedly to say that the government said it would engage with them but is actively trying to block them on a case by case basis?

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So you are saying no one is to blame for all these dead and dying women who were given incorrect smear test results?

It might be a bit more complex than the likes of Marc MacSharry would have you believe

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